Taller Internacional Online
Aplicada a las comunicaciones virtuales
Sábado 9 de Mayo 2020 - 11:00 a 13:00 UYT / 16:00 a 18:00 CEST
🇪🇸 🇺🇾 🇦🇷
“In a healing cycle, connection to our body, emotions, and life force allows for greater connection with others, and in turn, connection with others supports greater connection to ourselves. The connection that has always been our deepest desire is now no longer our greatest fear."
Laurence Heller
Interbeing Circles are in person and online groups of like-minded people intended to support and develop our capacity to feel and stay related to the present moment, while being able to hold multiple perspectives, connect to our personal and collective wisdom, and reveal our full potential as human beings individually and collectively.
The practice of Interbeing requires meeting ever expanding dimensions of light and shadow. The light being the bliss of connectedness and the shadow being our attachments to old ways of perceiving reality. Acknowledging our connections with our ancestors, and our strong interdependence with all of humanity, our land, and all of life, requires healing, and practice. For the healing to happen we need appropriate vessels and healthier templates to magnetize the change we envision. Interbeing circles are learning and practice platforms for a new way of being and relating.
In relation, we realize our full potential. The presence of the other magnetizes our capacity to relate to all of the existence. The gathering of a group acts like a healing vessel and a resonance field for higher consciousness.
These circles are conceived as basic units in relation with wider networks working towards healthier social templates and global consciousness.
Our goals:
1.- To acknowledge and invite a higher consciousness.
2.- To honor our interdependence with all of life and develop a sustainable lifestyle.
Our means:
1.- Mindfulness: refining somatic, systemic, and subtle awareness.
2.- Meditation: bringing space in our lives for the new to emerge
3.- Relational Intelligence: supporting each other in learning to stay present in relation.
3.- Evolving Wisdom: leading edge integral studies and practices.
The first pilot group is starting soon in Berlin. If you want to know more, you can contact us here: